Have you ever stopped to think about all the everyday uses of your plumbing system? One of the most critical plumbing uses of most residential properties is laundry. Laundry room plumbing is a bit different from other plumbing setups. However, it works in a similar way to your bathroom plumbing.


In most laundry rooms, you’ll find large drains connected to several hoses that go to your laundry machines. If you want to avoid expensive plumbing bills, you need to make sure to maintain your laundry room plumbing. It is one of the most-used components of your plumbing system, especially if you have a more prominent family. This article will discuss some practical tips to maintain your laundry room plumbing.


4 Tips to Maintain Your Laundry Room Plumbing


These plumbing tips can help you protect your plumbing system and laundry room appliances and avoid costly plumbing bills:


1.   Check Your Hoses


In your laundry room, you may notice a couple of different hoses attached to the back of your washing machine. While these hoses are built to last, they can become damaged over time. If you notice any signs of wear and tear, such as cracks, you should call a professional plumber to replace your hose immediately. Make sure they install a high-quality hose because it will last longer, and you won’t need to buy and replace your hoses as frequently.


Plumbers usually recommend stainless steel braided hoses. Steel hoses do not break as easily as rubber hoses. Another benefit of steel hoses is that they can handle the high strains of water pressure and hard water without breaking down.


2.   Faulty Washers


A washer is a metal plate with a hole in the middle that goes between your hose and its connector. It is used to secure the connection and adequately distribute the pressure placed on your pipes. Faulty washers can be a primary cause of plumbing leaks and other issues with your laundry room appliances.


If any of your washers are making rattling noises, or you notice a leak around the washes, you probably need a replacement. Contact a professional plumber to replace them immediately, so you don’t need to deal with leaks and water damage.


3.   Strainers


If you have a laundry drain with a strainer over it, you need to check your filter regularly. When filters aren’t properly maintained, it can result in clogged lines and water backup. You need to keep these strainers to avoid clogged drains. Remove any lint, hair, or built-up debris from your filters before it is forced into your drains and causes a blockage. Check your strainers at least once or twice a month to ensure they are working and free from debris buildup.


4.   Prevent Drain Clogs


Your laundry drains are one of the essential components of your laundry room. They are used to drain all the dirty water from your appliances. Many laundry rooms have floor drains, which need to be adequately maintained to prevent any problems.


The best way you can maintain your laundry appliances is to avoid clogged drains.  If you suspect any clogged drains, contact a professional plumber immediately for a solution. With a bit of extra care, you can save high costs on expensive plumbing repairs. You can also ensure that your laundry appliances are working as they should be when you need them most.


Contact Antelope Valley Plumbing for Your Needs


If you need professional drain cleaning in Palmdale, we’re here to help. Contact Antelope Valley Plumbing to schedule an appointment with one of our expert plumbers.